The Mighty Thames gave us a day the Sailors will remember for a long time. The wind was light 3-5knts from the SSW. It built to about 6-8 from the SSE. The fog rolled in a few times and the breeze slowed, but was able to come back in to finish the day strong. The Open sailors did a full round of 10, each team sailed 9 races. We will split into a top 6, bottom 4 for Sunday. Thank you to the Camel undergrads that help run races. Thank you to the Umpires and Joakim Karlson URI coach for being the ICSA rep.
Another great day of Sailing on the Thames river. We Split into 2 groups and did a top 6 bottom 4. It started to get windy and real puffy at the end. Thanks to the Umpires and the undergrads for running and managing the event. CGA and URI loaned the event Umpire boats. What a great weekend of sailing.
Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.