After a breif postponement to allow excessive winds to dissipate, A first round and all but the final flight of a 2nd round were completed in blustery winds from the west, with velocity ranging from SSW to NNW and from 6-20 knots. The majority of the first round was conducted in 2 fleets of Larks and 1 Fleet of FJs, but after an FJ capsized in race 15, and their rudder was lost in the murky depths of the mystic, the final flight of the first round and all subsequent rounds, were necessarily completed in larks only, because no spare FJ rudder was available. Additionally, one team failed to secure their jib after de-rigging, and it was also swallowed by the murky depths. As such, the jumbos humbly request that all coaches advise their sailors that sails do not float, and neither do rudders, and therefore both should be secured to the boat at all times.
After a 15 minute postponement to allow for breeze to fill, the final flight of the 2nd round robin was completed in light and variable winds from the west. Thereafter, a 3rd round was commenced, and although pressure built throughout the afternoon, angle did not stabilize, resulting in boats temporarily fetching the mark on both starboard and port on the same course, sometimes during the same race. After the third round was completed, races 50 and 59 were resailed (Redress was granted due to vang fitting failures in both cases). A tie breaker was subsequently conducted between the top three teams: Brown, Roger Williams, and Tufts 1. After the first round of 3 resulted in another tie, a second round of three was conducted, but could not be completed before the 3pm cutoff. However, all teams involved agreed to sail past the cutoff, so the final race between tufts and roger williams was sailed. Unfortunately for the Jumbos, their win was overturned when the hawks were granted redress for a broken mainsheet. Finally, the resail of the final race was conducted, leading to a triumph for the hawks. In an additional triumph, the PRO was able to recover the Lark jib that sank on saturday by fishing for it off the dock with a danforth anchor (he also recovered 2 rusty beach chairs and a 10 foot by 2 foot strip of carpet).
Thanks to Scorekeepers/finish boat crew Marina Garrido, Greta Traver, Matthew Wallace, and Michael Salvatore. Thanks to the visiting coaches for helping settle protests and redress hearings. Thanks to all competitors for exhibiting good sportsmanship and avoiding any damage-causing collisions. Congratulations to the hawks for their win. We hope to race against all of you again soon!
Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.
Sym. | Explanation |
* | Number of races won when tied teams met (6) |
** | Number of races won when tied teams met (5) |
b | Number of races won when tied teams met (4) |