Atlantic Coast Tournament

Scores for Division B

1CornellCornell University63Connor Kelter '18
Big RedJulie Barbera '17
2Boston UniversityBoston University64Josh Dochoda '20
TerriersCharles Honke '20
3VermontUniversity of Vermont81Jan Kite-Powell '191-18
CatamountsHaley McMahon '181-18
4Old DominionOld Dominion University84Alec Chicoine '18
MonarchsStephen Guglielmo '19
5Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College90Carter Pemberton '20
CamelsAlbert Rodiger '181-4
Paige Dunlevy '205-13
6BrownBrown University92Sophie Hibben '19
Bears 2Maxine De Havenon '19
7BrownBrown University102Quinn Andersen '18
Bears 1Julia Kim '18
8VirginiaUniversity of Virginia116Colin Suvak '19
WahoosColleen Roney '18
9Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island139Brendan Read '191-4,7-10
Matthew Gibbs '175-6,11-14
RamsLauren Richards '191-4,7-10
Ryan Geib '195-6,11-14
10PennsylvaniaUniversity of Pennsylvania144William Gallagher '201-18
QuakersSarah Punzel '191-18
11EckerdEckerd College155Anna Huebschmann '18
TritonsCaroline Puckette '20
12FordhamFordham University166Anders Ekholm '17
RamsAnnika Ekholm '20
13NavyU. S. Naval Academy174Spencer Nora '171-4
Jimmy Madigan '185-8
Tyler Fleig '199-12
Maxwell Brill '2013-20
MidshipmenKarma Richards '20
14FloridaUniversity of Florida177Samuel Armington '181-14
GatorsRachel Daye '181-10,13-14
David Beaudry '2011-12
15NY MaritimeSUNY Maritime College182Andreas Adam '181-6,9-12
Aidan Molesky '207-8
PrivateersMaura King '19
16Christopher NewportChristopher Newport University184Anders Hudson '171-6,13-14
Vir Menon '207-12
CaptainsSpencer `Charney '201-4
Bailey Hurst '205-14
17Salve ReginaSalve Regina University203Jennifer Killian '19
SeahawksMadeline Lark '20
*18U South CarolinaUniversity of South Carolina222Jack Gonzales '181-2,5-6,9-10
Margaux Bacro-Duverger '173-4,7-8,11-14
GamecocksElizabeth Lonergan '201-10
Jack Gonzales '1811-14
*19Mass MaritimeMassachusetts Maritime Academy222Kyle Brego '171-12
BuccaneersEvan Sampou '171-4
Catherine Haines '195-12
Sergio Gratta '1813-20
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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