Scores for Division B

1UC Santa BarbaraUniversity of California at Santa Barbara6Lukas Kraak '25 *
Gauchos 1Aidan McCormick '28
2UC Santa CruzUniversity of California at Santa Cruz23Isaac Sharp '26
Banana Slugs 2Caden Domingo '27
3Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.27Ximena Greatorex '25
Mustangs 1Emily Yong '251-2,5-6
Kyle Hirth '253-4
4UC Santa BarbaraUniversity of California at Santa Barbara40Andrew Kestenbaum '27 *
Gauchos 2Marin Mitchell '27 *
5UC Santa CruzUniversity of California at Santa Cruz51Brily Petersen '281-2,5-6
Emilia McNabb '283-4
Banana Slugs 1Asha Myers '261-2,5-6
Maggie McEachen '273-4
6Santa ClaraSanta Clara University52Eoghan Kelley '286
BroncosVikram Jangid '266
7Arizona StateArizona State University54Mason Norwood '26
Sun Devils 2Cade Januszewski '27
8BerkeleyUniversity of California at Berkeley58John Mayfield '281-4
Tessa Greene '265-6
Bears 2Gabriel Rousseau '271-4
Valarie Pieruccini '265-6
9BerkeleyUniversity of California at Berkeley61Connor Fagan '261-4
Marianna Maciel '255-6
Bears 1Marianna Maciel '251-4
Gabriel Rousseau '275-6
10Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.70Parker Ziegler '28
Mustangs 4Eli Jacobson-Bell '28
11San Diego StateSan Diego State University79Julian Stauffer '26 *
Varsity Aztecs 2Sadie Marinerstein '28
*12San Diego StateSan Diego State University81Marley Daniel '27
Varsity Aztecs 1Nicholas Torres '25
*13UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los Angeles81John Flanagan '25
Bruins 1Emre Gurdal '281-2,5-6
Jackson Kurtz '283-4
14UC IrvineUniversity of California at Irvine99Michael Jacobson '26
Anteaters 2Rae Collins '27
15UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San Diego101Luca Lüönd '25
Tritons 2Nicolas Garlock '26
16Arizona StateArizona State University103Elias Ricken '27
Sun Devils 3Austin Hargus '27
17UC IrvineUniversity of California at Irvine105Spencer Eldridge '28
Anteaters 1Maxim Pachnev '27
18Monterey BayCalifornia State University Monterey Bay108Phoebe Liermann '276
OttersElena Crow '276
**19Arizona StateArizona State University111Matthew Prendiville '25
Sun Devils 1Amber Motherway '27
**20UC DavisUniversity of California at Davis111James Makler '26
Aggies 1Stephanie Ng '26
21UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San Diego124Claire Diaco '28
Tritons 3Nathan Muck '25 *
22Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.128Paul Munsell '27
Mustangs 3Nathan Buehner '271-2,5-6
Gabriel Peralta '273-4
**23UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San Diego130Mackenzie Santos '28
Tritons 1Diana Vins '27
**24Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.130Sienna Stromberg '25
Mustangs 2Eleanor Olsen '28 *
25UC DavisUniversity of California at Davis137Emerson Coskey '27
Aggies 2Zachary Reese '28
26UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los Angeles143Sophie Nuckowski '251-2
Felix Zhang '283-6
Bruins 2Alice Peeler '281-2,5-6
Katelyn Yu '283-4
27Channel IslandsCalifornia State University Channel Islands145Vaughn Russell '28
DolphinsSoren Folgate '28
28UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los Angeles156Greg Griffin '26
Bruins 3Dominick Goga '281-2,5-6
Raquel Barron '253-4
29Southern CalUniversity of Southern California180Maximilian Miesen '25
TrojansGenaro Flores - Machorro '25
*Number of high-place (2) finishes
**Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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