St. Mary's Women's Inter-Conference

Scores for Division B

1GeorgetownGeorgetown University33Emily Doble '281-12
HoyasEllie Smith '281-4
Lucy Jervis '275-12
2TulaneTulane University43Ava Anderson '27
Green WaveElla May Corckran '261-4
Catherine Anderson '265-12
3CharlestonCollege of Charleston55Bella Shakespeare '27
CougarsPaige Lubrano '26
4NortheasternNortheastern University61Lucia Loosbrock '25
HuskiesIsabella Welch '251-4
Lucinda Harley '275-12
5Old DominionOld Dominion University84Marina Conde '28
MonarchsIsabelle Kanach '251-6
Morgan Auth '277-12
6South FloridaUniversity of South Florida92Kailey Warrior '271-4
Ghislaine van Empel '275-14
BullsMelissa Janes '26
7Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges93Deana Fedulova '28
StatesmenOlivia Wilkins '28
8HawaiiUniversity of Hawaii99Martha Schuessler '271-12
RainbowsMorgan Carew '251-6,11-12
Sophia Shaeffer '257-10
9George WashingtonGeorge Washington University101Arrieta Angueira Salbidegoitia '26
RevolutionariesBrooke Kelley '28
10St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland108Lina Carper '27
SeahawksLillian Newman '25
11Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College111Izzy Wu-Karr '261-12
CamelsAurora Kreyche '251-10
Cecilia Roe '2611-12
12JacksonvilleJacksonville University131Kaitlyn Liebel '26
FinsPayton Ruth '26
13Christopher NewportChristopher Newport University133Laura Smith '26
CaptainsGabrielle Byrne '261-8,11-14
Hannah Louise Roethel '289-10
14VermontUniversity of Vermont162Caitlin Derby '261-4,7-12
Jordynn Johnson '275-6
CatamountsDee McCormick '281-12
15Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island165Emaline Ouellette '28
RamsBrigette Alves '25
16FordhamFordham University168Anna Robertson '28
RamsLeah Spadaro '25
17MichiganUniversity of Michigan201Jillian Giordano '27
WolverinesAnna Olsen '28
18YaleYale University228

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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