St. Mary's Women's Inter-Conference

Scores for Division A

1GeorgetownGeorgetown University25Kelly Bates '261-12
HoyasAnna Brzezinski '271-12
2TulaneTulane University58Samantha Gardner '271-8
Gabriela Vassel '289-12
Green WaveHope Breslin '261-4
Caitlin Briggs '275-8
Martha Hughes '289-12
3South FloridaUniversity of South Florida82Kay Brunsvold '25
BullsKalea Woodard '24
4CharlestonCollege of Charleston84Emma Tallman '25
CougarsLucy Elvart '28
5Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges85Elizabeth Starck '25
StatesmenSabrina Starck '28
6JacksonvilleJacksonville University87Emily Allen '25
FinsReagan Carris '26
7St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland99Cho-Cho Williams '26
SeahawksIndiana Theurer '251-6
Grace Phillips '277-12
8Old DominionOld Dominion University101Gianna Dewey '27
MonarchsAllison Volk '251-4
Morgan Auth '275-6
Kristin Johnson '267-12
9HawaiiUniversity of Hawaii102Vivian Bonsager '251-8
Malia Johnson '259-12
RainbowsMalia Johnson '251-4
Stella Taherian '275-8
Vivian Bonsager '259-10
Sophia Shaeffer '2511-12
10George WashingtonGeorge Washington University109Avery Canavan '25
RevolutionariesHayden Clary '281-6
Julia Mole '27 *7-12
11Christopher NewportChristopher Newport University110Grace Watlington '26
CaptainsGail Schneider '25
12NortheasternNortheastern University112Eva Ermlich '26
HuskiesZoe Grant '25
13FordhamFordham University138Lizzie Cochran '27
RamsNora Donahue '28
14VermontUniversity of Vermont140Audrey Commerford '251-12
CatamountsLane Kaeyer '271-12
15Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College161Lilly Saffer '271-10
Natalie Fear '2811-12
CamelsMadeleine Jarbeau '281-6
Cecilia Roe '267-10
June Roe '2811-12
16Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island163Ariana Schwartz '27
RamsErin Little '28
17MichiganUniversity of Michigan197Katherine Simcoe '26
WolverinesSabrina Maas '27
18YaleYale University228

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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