McIntyre Team Race


Saturday, February 8:

Saturday's racing was excellent, solid breeze from the NNW/ NW at 4-12 provided racers the opportunity to showcase their team race style skills against the rest of the PCCSC. A full 12-team round robin of 66 races were sailed with a very minimal amount of mark movement. CHUMP Bryan McDonald teamed up with fellow umpires Paul Zuppan, Preston Anderson and Ty Ingram to keep sailing fair.

Tomorrow's racing will be a top-6/ bottom-6 for all teams and tie-breaks for podium positions, if needed.

Sunday, February 9:

Not the best conditions complimented Saturday's performance with poetic, diametric equity. As amazing as the breeze was Saturday, today's showing was the same extend bad. 5 races were sailed, in serval conditions, never one showing for more than a race-length's time. The Bottom-6 was called at 1330. The Top-6 was called at 1405. Saturday's racing will determine the 2025 McIntyre in its entirety.

Thank you again to CHUMP Bryan McDonald and his crew of today, Rob Overton and Paul Zuppan.

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

1StanfordStanford UniversityCardinal 111/0Reade Decker '27Piper Blackband '28
Dylan Sih '28Caroline Geiger '28
Thomas Whidden '28Abby Baird '28
2StanfordStanford UniversityCardinal 210/1Ellie Harned '26Kit Harned '27
Sophie Fisher '26Alexandra Jones '28
Alice Schmid '27Shay Wood '27
3UC Santa BarbaraUniversity of California at Santa BarbaraGauchos8/3Henry Boeger '25Juliet St. Germain '25
Jasper Reid '25 *Kate Gallagher '25
Michael Fineman '25Avalon Everett '27
Samuel Long '27
*4Southern CalUniversity of Southern CaliforniaTrojans7/4Luke Harris '27Lara Granucci '28
Cameron Berry '25Morgana Manti '26
Hudson Mayfield '27Nicole Drake '28
**5San Diego StateSan Diego State UniversityAztecs7/4Christopher Hopkins '25Ellie Dickson '25
Noah Nyenhuis '27Lily Schweber '27
Owen Gormely '27Sadie Marinerstein '28
Aston Smith '28Macaela Wilton '27
6NorthwesternNorthwestern UniversityWildcats6/5Nicholas Chesemore '27Samantha Forgosh '26
Jake Weinstein '27Cora Star '26
George Warfel '26Herbert Single '27
*7Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime AcademyKeelhaulers5/6Nicholas Mueller '27Gavin Steuerwald '28
Oscar Perry '28Nicolai Perez '28
Clay Myers '25Etienne Quille '25
**8BerkeleyUniversity of California at BerkeleyBears5/6Nate Ingebritson '25Annika Baumgartner '28
Carsten Zieger '28Katherine Olsen '25
Will Cornell '25Amelia Gassner '24
b9ClemsonClemson UniversityTigers2/9Nilah Miller '25Sam Heighway '25
Mitchell Hnatt '28Bryson Eaton '28
Luke Adams '28William Avery '27
*10UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San DiegoTritons2/9Allie Shand '26Cassie Halaszynski '25
Brendan O'Connor '27Maximus Suh '26
Skyler Chaffey '28Izzy de Fontaine '28
**11UC Santa CruzUniversity of California at Santa CruzBanana Slugs2/9Colin Olson '26Devon Baker-Berry '26
Nathan Ho '26Chas Mitchell '26
Hunter Holguin '25Conor Kim '27
12Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.Mustangs1/10Garrett Henderson '27Samuel Groom '24
Robert Bloomfield '26Kieran McEwen '28
Parker Ziegler '28Nathan Briar '26
*Number of races won when tied teams met (1)
**Number of races won when tied teams met (0)
bNumber of races won when tied teams met (2)