Women's New England Fleet Race Championship

Scores for Division A

1YaleYale University43Carmen Cowles '25
BulldogsCarmen Berg '26
2Boston CollegeBoston College46Caroline Sibilly '26
EaglesKatelyn McGauley '24
3MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology54Brooke Schmelz '25
EngineersSamantha Karlson '25
4BrownBrown University59Brielle Willoughby '241-6,9-10
Charlotte Costikyan '247-8
BearsLily Shore '241-6
Menasha Leport '257-8
Francesca Edmands '259-10
*5HarvardHarvard University61Cordelia Burn '25
CrimsonEmily Launderville '24
*6Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy61Emily Bornarth '24
BearsAllison Nystrom '26
7Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University63Lucy Meagher '27
HawksMaggie Fleming '271-8
Katharine Benagh '249-10
8DartmouthDartmouth College65Taylor Eastman '24
Big GreenPhoebe Lee '26
9BowdoinBowdoin College76Kyra Phelan '26
Polar BearsHolliss Hirsch '25
10NortheasternNortheastern University79Eva Ermlich '26
HuskiesAbigail Thress '24
11Boston UniversityBoston University98Tiare Sierra '25
TerriersMorgan Contrino '24
12TuftsTufts University102Haley Andreasen '251-6
Samantha Jensen '247-10
JumbosAdelaide Straub '241-2,4-6
Phyllis Ladd '263,7-10
13Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island116Kytalin Hendrickson '26
RamsUrsula Budd '27
14Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College137Izzy Wu-Karr '26
CamelsClifton Carragher '251-9
Cecilia Roe '2610
15VermontUniversity of Vermont149Elizabeth Amelotte '24
Catamountscampbell mcclellan '261-4
Alex Forrest '267-10
16McGillMcGill University152ZIYUE ZHOU '2710
RedbirdsKatie Bowie '2710
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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