Long day for the sailors and RC with a westerly fighting a SE seabreeze for most of the day. A weak westerly pulsed and died all morning and then settled in enough to run a few flights before a nice seabreeze settled in for another few flights. There was a 45 minute period of the westerly fighting the seabreeze before the westerly won out for the rest of the day.
One round robin was completed with the last race starting at 5:50, right before the 6pm cutoff.
Coaches were kind enough to umpire the races. Dan Tucker and Max Wood did scoring and finish boat.
A strong SW is forecasted for tomorrow and we'll try for another round robin plus a top4/bottom 4 in 420's if time allows. -Matt Lindblad Cucchiaro Family Director of Sailing
Great sailing conditions today with wind from the South and gradually trending right and building all day to end in the WNW at 10-15 knots.
A second full round robin and a top 4/bottom 4 was completed with the last race starting at 2:45pm. Coaches umpired the races.
A big thanks to Dan Tucker for running the finish boat and MIT coach Hanna Vincent for helping to keep things running smoothly.
Congratulations to the BC Eagles for winning the 2024 Geiger trophy! -Matt Lindblad MIT Sailing
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