We had great conditions for day 1 of the 2021 College Sailing Team Race Nationals. PRO Gavin O'Hare and his team of Midshipmen on the race committee started racing right on time at 1000 in a light southeast breeze. It was partly cloudy with temps in the high 60s and low 70s. The wind shifted very little and built throughout the day to the mid teens by the end. We went in for a lunch break after each team had sailed 5 races and came back out to finish round 1 in the afternoon. A huge thanks to our umpire team with ChUmp Jeff Borland, Christine Achetella, Charlie Arms, Bill Cook, Bill Simon, Stephen Sparkman, Doc Sullivan, Tony Weiner and Jeff Woodward for keeping the racing fair. They also heard one redress hearing which resulted in a DSQ and discretionary penalty for rule 14. Mitch Brindley served as ICSA Rep. Please visit the event website for link to photos and social media posts - 2021nationals.collegesailing.org
Day two of the 2021 ICSA Team Race National Championship delivered picture perfect conditions. A 6-10 knot southeasterly breeze with moderate shifts back and forth allowed the Race Committee to easily complete the full format of racing: Gold and Silver round robins with a final four. A huge thanks to our supporting venues and volunteers who made this event happen in a very challenging Covid environment: Severn Sailing Association, Eastport Yacht Club, Georgetown University, PRO Gavin O'Hare, Chief Umpire Jeff Borland and his team of Christine Accetella, John Pratt, Jeff Woodard, Steve Sparkman, Bill Simon, Bill Cook, Charlie Arms, Doc Sullivan and Tony Weiner. Congratulations to the host school, The United States Naval Academy, for winning the 2021 Walter C. Wood Trophy!
Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.
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