Sailors were greeted to a very light northerly breeze on the race course. 2 races were sailed in the dying breeze. As soon as the second race finished, a nice moderate southerly filled which allowed us to get a long day of racing in. The last race was completed a little after 5pm. It was also very cold with temps never reaching 40 degrees. Yale currently leads with only one loss.
Round five started at 11am in a very light northerly with big swings to the east and west. the first two attempts were abandoned until the wind allowed fair racing. Like yesterday two races were completed in the northerly breeze and again like yesterday the southerly filled as the second race was finishing. The southerly was 10-12 knots and lots of sun but still quite cold with a high just getting to 40 degrees. A final 4 was started at 1pm with the chop increasing and the breeze slightly increasing as well. No protests were filed either day. Special thanks to the coaches who assisted on the RC boat and the finish/mark boat. Congrats to Yale on winning the this cold but fun team race event!
Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.