Friis & Marchiando Trophies


Saturday, April 6:

Tufts report for Friis- 42 Races. No Umps but no protests. Huge thanks to: Reid Van Gorder - Finish Boat; Nate Rosenberg and James Moody - boat repair/shore crew; Madeline Luce - Scoring; Ken Legler - PRO and Race Chair.

Conditions: NNW 10-20 w/ gusts to 25

Teams moving onto the gold: Yale Brown Tufts Dartmouth

MIT report for Marchiando- 56 Race. Fully umpired w/ several flags. Huge thanks to Umpires: ChUmp - Jon Garrity, as well as Eamon Glackin, Brooks Reed, Matt Knowles, Tripp Alyn, Niko Kostados, Jeff Dusek, plus hopefully Mark Rinaldi for tomorrow. More thanks to: Aidan Doherty, Sam Albright, and David Larson - Finish Boat; Chloé Lepert - Finish/scoring coordinator; Wally Corwin - dockmaster; Angie Nehmzow, Grace Young, Iris Xu, Alissa Borshchenko, and Hanna Vincent - scoring assist; Lindblad - rotations and TechScore massaging; Matty Cohen - PRO

Conditions: NNW 8-20 w/ bigger gusts, fading to 3-12 at the end

Teams moving onto the gold: Stanford BC Harvard UVM

Sunday, April 7:

Report from the Lynne Marchiando Team Race Final (Gold Fleet of the combined event):

Sunday, warm(er) and windy. The completion of the Gold Round Robins took place in 5-25 SSW. 32 Races were sailed in MIT FJs. A final four was sailed after a protest was heard to determine 4th, for an additional 6 races. The breeze built to 15-25, leading to some exciting capsizes, though there were no breakdowns. A huge thanks to ChUmp Jon Garrity and his team of Eamon Glackin, John Pratt, and Mark Rinaldi for umpiring on Sunday. Thanks to finish boat survivors - Aidan Doherty, David Larson, Lisa Archibald, and Keren Gu; Chloé Lepert did all of the scoring for Sunday; Wally Corwin for manning the docks; and Matty Cohen for Running 38 starts (94 for the entire weekend).

Congrats to Yale for winning.

The results should read: 1. Yale 2. BC 3. Stanford 4. Tufts

5. Brown 6. Harvard 7. Dartmouth (beat UVM 2-0) 8. UVM

Silver (Friis @ Tufts) 9. MIT 10. Roger Williams 11. BU 12. URI 13. Conn Coll 14. Navy 15. Michigan

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

1YaleYale UniversityBulldogs13/4Graham Landy '15William Feldman '14
Christopher Segerblom '14Marlena Fauer '14
Cam Cullman '13Heather May '13
Katherine Gaumond '15
Eugenia Custo Greig '14
2Boston CollegeBoston CollegeEagles11/6Alex Cook '13Patrick Hession '13
William Bailey '15Molly Clarke '13
Erika Reineke '17Elizabeth Barnard '15
Raul Rios '16Domenic Bove '15
Laura McKenna '13
Doyle Calhoun '16
Maximiliano Agnese '16
3StanfordStanford UniversityCardinal10/7Kieran Chung '15Yuri Namikawa '14
Hans Henken '15Rebecca King '13
Antoine Screve '16Samantha Steele '16
4TuftsTufts UniversityJumbos9/8William Haeger '14Paula Grasberger '14
William Hutchings '13Ben Weigel '14
David Liebenberg '14Kathleen Kwasniak '14
Sam Madden '15
Madeline Luce '13
Maxwell Bennett '16
5BrownBrown UniversityBears7/7Judge Ryan '14Louisa Chafee '14
Colin Smith '13Ashley Noble '13
Tommy Fink '13Michael Yanagisawa '13
Tyler Rice '14Kristin Altreuter '14
6HarvardHarvard UniversityCrimson6/8Brian Drumm '15Jacob Bradt '16
Andrew Mollerus '16Brian Drumm '15
Luke O'Connor '14Isabel Ruane '14
Michael Drumm '15Sydney Karnovsky '16
Gram Slattery '15Luke O'Connor '14
7DartmouthDartmouth CollegeBig Green3/11Bo McClatchy '13Charlotte Snow '15
Christopher Price '14Abigail Rohman '16
Evan Read '16Hope Wilson '16
8VermontUniversity of VermontCatamounts3/11Michael Zonnenberg '15Bridget Murphy '15
Jordan Factor '14Catherine Mitchell '14
Michael Booker '15Lauren Jones '15
9MITMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyEngineers9/3Andrew Sommer '13Mark Van De Loo '13
Philip Crain '13Kelden Pehr '13
David Alfonso '14Jeremy Kalas '16
Christopher Ford '16
Eben Freeman '13
Taylor Burfield '13
10Roger WilliamsRoger Williams UniversityHawks8/4Henry Vogel '15Wendy Reuss '15
Connor Adams '15Jack Hunger '15
Connor Brady '15Abby Preston '15
Alec Anderson '13
11Boston UniversityBoston UniversityTerriers7/5Ian Towill '14Lalitha Kumaresan '13
Cameron Fraser '14Simon Bertocci '16
Ryan Astwood '16Joseph Benoit '16
Alejandra Higgins '13
Margaret Swanson '16
11Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode IslandRams7/5Charles Nunn '16Kaitlyn Norton '15
Matthew Coughlin '16Christina Lewis '16
Samuel Cushing '15Margaret Craig '13
13Connecticut CollegeConnecticut CollegeCamels6/6Kevin Martland '14Ellis Tonissi '15
Jordan Bothwick '15Benjamin Meyers '15
Peter Miller '13Claire Sacco '13
Pearson Potts '16
14NavyU. S. Naval AcademyMidshipmen5/9Philip Youngberg '15Alyson Eng '16
Connor Timmins '14Megan Hough '16
Charles Peck '15Samantha Rosales '16
15MichiganUniversity of MichiganWolverines2/12Matthew Graham '13Karinne Smolenyak '15
Will Cyr '14Katie Barbour '15
Ryan Seago '14Thomas Etheridge '16
Emily Gazall '16