Tufts report for Friis- 42 Races. No Umps but no protests. Huge thanks to: Reid Van Gorder - Finish Boat; Nate Rosenberg and James Moody - boat repair/shore crew; Madeline Luce - Scoring; Ken Legler - PRO and Race Chair.
Conditions: NNW 10-20 w/ gusts to 25
Teams moving onto the gold: Yale Brown Tufts Dartmouth
MIT report for Marchiando- 56 Race. Fully umpired w/ several flags. Huge thanks to Umpires: ChUmp - Jon Garrity, as well as Eamon Glackin, Brooks Reed, Matt Knowles, Tripp Alyn, Niko Kostados, Jeff Dusek, plus hopefully Mark Rinaldi for tomorrow. More thanks to: Aidan Doherty, Sam Albright, and David Larson - Finish Boat; Chloé Lepert - Finish/scoring coordinator; Wally Corwin - dockmaster; Angie Nehmzow, Grace Young, Iris Xu, Alissa Borshchenko, and Hanna Vincent - scoring assist; Lindblad - rotations and TechScore massaging; Matty Cohen - PRO
Conditions: NNW 8-20 w/ bigger gusts, fading to 3-12 at the end
Teams moving onto the gold: Stanford BC Harvard UVM
Report from the Lynne Marchiando Team Race Final (Gold Fleet of the combined event):
Sunday, warm(er) and windy. The completion of the Gold Round Robins took place in 5-25 SSW. 32 Races were sailed in MIT FJs. A final four was sailed after a protest was heard to determine 4th, for an additional 6 races. The breeze built to 15-25, leading to some exciting capsizes, though there were no breakdowns. A huge thanks to ChUmp Jon Garrity and his team of Eamon Glackin, John Pratt, and Mark Rinaldi for umpiring on Sunday. Thanks to finish boat survivors - Aidan Doherty, David Larson, Lisa Archibald, and Keren Gu; Chloé Lepert did all of the scoring for Sunday; Wally Corwin for manning the docks; and Matty Cohen for Running 38 starts (94 for the entire weekend).
Congrats to Yale for winning.
The results should read: 1. Yale 2. BC 3. Stanford 4. Tufts
5. Brown 6. Harvard 7. Dartmouth (beat UVM 2-0) 8. UVM
Silver (Friis @ Tufts) 9. MIT 10. Roger Williams 11. BU 12. URI 13. Conn Coll 14. Navy 15. Michigan
Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.