Barnett Trophy

Scores for Division B

1Boston UniversityBoston University17Nathan Selian '25
TerriersAda Ucar '27
2BowdoinBowdoin College20Shea McGrath '27
Polar Bears 1Maizie Bartlett '27
3VermontUniversity of Vermont26Gavin Sanborn '25
CatamountsRyan Thompson '26
4DartmouthDartmouth College32Will Eggena '27
Big GreenVivian Heitkoetter '27
5BowdoinBowdoin College33Riley Donahue '28
Polar Bears 2Aidan Michelow '25
6NortheasternNortheastern University41Carter Anderson '271-4
Adrien Blanc '275-7
HuskiesRyan Tedeschi '28
7New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire45Marykate Hanus '28
Wildcats 2Autumn Horsey '27
8New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire53Ted Richardsson '27
Wildcats 1Trixie Williams '26
9Maine MaritimeMaine Maritime Academy61Griffin Stolp '271-4
MarinersJuliana DeMarco '26 *1-4
10Mass MaritimeMassachusetts Maritime Academy70Kevin McNeill '28
BuccaneersHannah Hicks '251-4
Anna Pham '285-7
11BentleyBentley University73Andrew Blagden '281-6
Grace Kokkotos '277
FalconsGrace Kokkotos '271-6
Andrew Blagden '287
12BatesBates College81Georgia Green '28
BobcatsAnders Landgren '25
13WilliamsWilliams College95Felix Nusbaum '25
EphsVarya Kluev '25
14MiddleburyMiddlebury College96Aengus Onken '28
PanthersSalomé Vuarlot '28

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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