Stoney Burke JV

Scores for Division B

1Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime Academy21Kawika Tumilowicz '25
Keelhaulers 1Mateo Krok '27
2Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime Academy35Sam Jennings '27
Keelhaulers 2Logan Chapman '26
3Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.49Jack Phibbs '27
Mustangs 1Kyle Hirth '25
4Arizona StateArizona State University54Sean Kenealy '25
Sun DevilsEmily Broach '25
5UC Santa CruzUniversity of California at Santa CruzMRP56
Banana Slugs
6Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime Academy87Blake Doscher '26
Keelhaulers 3Adam Mollica '24
7BerkeleyUniversity of California at Berkeley89Adrien Stroumza '231-5
Bodhi Silberling '276-12
BearsGabriel Rousseau '271-5
Madalyn Gordon '256-12
8UC IrvineUniversity of California at Irvine91Emma Feasey '25
AnteatersValentina Garcia '26
9Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.102Paige O’Dell '27
Mustangs 2Andrew Fowler '271-2,5-6,11-12
Alyssa Shadduck '233-4,7-10
10Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.104Nathan Briar '26
Mustangs 3Tyler Stump '261-2,5-6
Griffin Vernon '263-4,7-12
11Channel IslandsCalifornia State University Channel Islands129Chase Shockley '27 *
DolphinsBrett Stein '24 *

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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