New York Maritime Fall Open


Saturday, September 30:

Current from the W to start the day with rainy overcast weather and winds from the NE ranging from 10-14knts with the occasional gusty breeze line in the upper teens.

Midday the current swapped and rushed in from the E just as the rain stopped and breeze settled into a nice 10-12knts from the N.

The end of day rotations saw sunshine which had the breeze dropping to 5-8knts from the ENE.

Racing stopped for the day following race 8B just shy of 1700 as the breeze died out.

Due to wind direction, the water was mostly flat all day other than some traffic wake from the channel.

Sunday, October 1:

Day started with postponement on shore for breeze to fill in.

1030 announcement for boats to rig and leave the basin for the race course with an 1115 first warning for race 9A. Breeze filled in and steadied from the N at 4-6knts with current flowing in from the W.

Rotations occurred on water following the first rotation due to having to sail counter-current to get to the course. Many thanks to the boats that helped make that happen.

As the day went on, breeze steadily tracked west ending the day WNW with fluctuations in velocity from 4-10knts. Current changed direction following high tide at 1333 and flowed out from the E.

Final race of the day started at 1453 completing all races for the regatta.

Thank you to all the teams for traveling here, we look forward to having you back! Thank you to the shore team, race committee, mark boats, and MAISA/ICSA rep!

Score summary

1CornellBig Red423173
2Webb InstituteClippers314475
7NY MaritimePrivateers8487171
9Boston UniversityTerriers10781188
10Washington CollegeShoremen105113218
11Mass MaritimeBuccaneers114119233
12U South CarolinaGamecocks134141275

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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