MAISA Match Race Championship


Saturday, September 29:

Teams launched for racing in the morning in light 5-6 knot Northwesterly which veered to the Northeast and died. In flight 1, only match 1 was completed. Matches 2 & 3 were abandoned. The sailors were sent ashore at 12:00 and were postponed until 3:30. The afternoon saw a very shifty Northerly of 6-8 knots, shifting 40 degrees. PRO Sue Miller and the mark boats worked tirelessly to set the squarest courses possible in the shifty breeze. As the afternoon wore on, the breeze increased as the temperature dropped and the breeze steadied out from the North-Northeast at 10-12 knots. Racing was concluded just before sunset with 5 flights complete. There was one request for redress that was denied and the umpires only issued a few penalties. -Rick Dominique

Sunday, September 30:

Racing resumed this morning in Northeasterly winds of 5-8 knots. Flights 6-10 were completed before the wind died completely. Breaking a 4-way tie at the top of the leaderboard, the team rankings at the end of the full round-robin were: NYM(5-2), UPN(5-2), HWS(5-2), GTN(5-2). The teams were in their boats ready to race, but the wind didn't fill in. Racing was called for the day finally at 3:25pm. Shortly after, a beautiful seabreeze filled in to the dismay of the competitors and RC alike. The standings from last completed stage of the event (the Round-Robin) have determined that NYM and UPN will advance to the ICSA Sloop National Championship. Congratulations! Thanks again to PRO Sue Miller for her tireless efforts to run great races and Larry Kennedy for his hard work in moving marks in the trying conditions. Also thanks to Chief Umpire, Henrik Pedersen, and his umpire team of Charlie Lomax, Paul Gilman, Hamrick Morgan and Bill Siener. And of course, the Kings Point midshipmen that gave up their weekend to help run this event. -Rick Dominique

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

*1NY MaritimeSUNY Maritime CollegePrivateers5/2Kyle Comerford '19Kaitlin Brzostek '22
Christian Neuman '21
John Lawless '19
**2PennsylvaniaUniversity of PennsylvaniaQuakers5/2Porter Killian '23Tanner Probst '21
Kelly Hanlon '21
Nicholas Floyd '19
*3Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith CollegesStatesmen5/2Hector Guzman '20Michael Munger '20
Maya Weber '20
Ian Beckley '20
**4GeorgetownGeorgetown UniversityHoyas5/2Sean Segerblom '20Jack Reiter '22
Marley Mais '21
Jack Chrysler '20
5FordhamFordham UniversityRams4/3Roberto Stevens '19Jacqueline Tobin '20
Matthew Alfano '21
Eduardo Mintzias '21
b6George WashingtonGeorge Washington UniversityColonials2/5Wade Wagner '19Cameron Feves '22
Tanner Chapko '21
Andrew Sheerin '19
c7Kings PointU. S. Merchant Marine AcademyMariners2/5Ryan Hunter '21Maddie Talecki '20
Kieran Cullen '21
Cooper Siepert '20
8Old DominionOld Dominion UniversityMonarchs0/7Bridget Groble '22Gavin Burkhart '20
John Glenn '22
Dreugh Phillips '21
*Total points scored when tied teams met (6)
**Total points scored when tied teams met (15)
bNumber of races won when tied teams met (1)
cNumber of races won when tied teams met (0)