
Scores for Division B

1ToledoUniversity of Toledo17John Lowry '19
RocketsEvon DePrey '17
2Michigan TechMichigan Technological University22Nicholas Harris '17
Husky OnePeter Seim '17
3OhioOhio University30Bryce Cartwright '1810
BobcatsAndrew Kerr '194
Spencer White '196
4HopeHope College32Caroline Ritter '18
Flying DutchmenJacob Pledger '18
5Michigan StateMichigan State University48Timothy Dickey '181-2
Erin Mattucci '193-6
Peter Atkins '197-8
Micalah Blohm '199-10
SpartansNoah Marzke '201-6
Nicholas Corsi '197-8
Anna Blohm '199-10
6Grand Valley StateGrand Valley State University52Nicholas Smart '18
LakersAlexandra Heid '171-2,5-10
Nichole Kievit '193-4
7IowaUniversity of Iowa58Lucas Kieffer '191-2,5-6
Sarah Caporelli '193-4,7-10
HawkeyesKyle Brooks '19
8MichiganUniversity of Michigan61Daniil Blyum '20
WolverinesMaxwell Moore '20
9Ohio StateOhio State University76Patrick Burns '161-2,7-8
Hannah Brosky '173-6,9-10
BuckeyesBarbara Nainiger '19

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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