
Scores for Division A

*1Michigan StateMichigan State University33Rachel Rantanen '191-8
Matthew Declercq '179-10
SpartansRebecca Meyer '191-4
Emma Hughes '195-8
Jewel Tayler '209-10
*2ToledoUniversity of Toledo33Drew Blackburn '17
RocketsGarrett Altenberger '18
3HopeHope College34Libby Reeg '17
Flying DutchmenLisette Boer '19
4MichiganUniversity of Michigan36Charles Rogers '19
WolverinesGarrett McQuiston '20
5Michigan TechMichigan Technological University37Jacob Henley '17
Husky OneNathan Miller '17
6IowaUniversity of Iowa46Maximilian Franze-Soeln '17
HawkeyesDaniel Ivankovic '20
7Grand Valley StateGrand Valley State University47Joseph Kurta '20
LakersMarc Green '20
8Ohio StateOhio State University67Christopher Weller '20
BuckeyesNoah Porschart '18
9OhioOhio University75Andrew Atkins '1910
BobcatsDick Chantz '184
Austin Erickson '176
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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