The Mighty Thames gave us a day the Sailors will remember for a long time. The wind was light 3-5knts from the SSW. It built to about 6-8 from the SSE. The fog rolled in a few times and the breeze slowed, but was able to come back in to finish the day strong. The Women sailors sailed 2 rounds of 6, BC and Brown will start off our day on Sunday to complete that round, most teams sailed 10 races. We will sail a round of 6 on Sunday. Thank you to the Camel undergrads that help run races. Thank you to the Umpires and Joakim Karlson URI coach for being the ICSA rep.
Note: Preliminary results; teams ranked by winning percentage. Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.
Sym. | Explanation |
* | Number of races won when tied teams met (2) |
** | Number of races won when tied teams met (0) |