O’Toole Saturday

Scores for Division B

1Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University7Jakub Fuja '27
Hawks 1Alexandra Chigas '26
2Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University13Edward Herman '28
Hawks 2Mackenzie Speece '28
3Salve ReginaSalve Regina University20Emil Tullberg '25
SeahawksEmma Sharpe '28
4BrownBrown University22Quinn Brighton '27
BearsTucker Gibbs '27
5Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island26Emaline Ouellette '28
RamsJane Lally '25
6McGillMcGill University28Andrew Richards '28
RedbirdsIvy Shi '27
*7VermontUniversity of Vermont38Mungo McKemey '27
CatamountsOlivia Atkins '28
*8BentleyBentley University38Wilfred Hynes '26
Falcons 1Lucy Butterfield '28
9BentleyBentley University47Miguel Sanchez Navarro '27
Falcons 2Grace Kokkotos '27
10Mass MaritimeMassachusetts Maritime Academy48Joseph Gedraitis '27
BuccaneersHugo Langlais '28
11UMass DartmouthUniversity of Massachusetts at Dartmouth54Ian McCaffrey '25
CorsairsLucas Camara '28
12BrandeisBrandeis University55Miles Laker '271-4
No show5
JudgesDominic Qin '271-4
No show5
13NortheasternNortheastern University60Aditya Khanna '27
HuskiesMatthew Chen '27
14U. Mass/ AmherstUniversity of Massachusetts at Amherst70Brooklyn Geary '24
MinutemenAna-Maria Dimitrov '28
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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