Thanks to JU, USF Women's, Old Dominion and Tulane for making the trip to Charleston for this years Bob Bavier. We were happy to be greeted with 10-20 knot NE breezes and warmer than predicted temps on day 1. We sailed on crab bank and big oscillations were the dominant feature of the day. Chip Till and his team managed the PRO Duties beautifully and our umpire team led by Jeff Borland worked hard to keep races flowing. We postponed until 10:30 to get racing going due to cold weather and heavy breezes forecasted. The first round robin was in Z420's but after a breakdown we took a break and returned to the bank in FJ's. Racing was close throughout, with teams trading wins and losses throughout the field. CofC Coed sailed consistently well, taking the lead at the end of the day with 2 losses. Tulane was a close 2nd and these two team split wins on the day.
We were again greeted with breeze in the 10-20 knot range. This built throughout the day and we decided to run one more RR without a final 4 to avoid ties and finish prior to building breezes created havoc. We sailed in the river in front of the center and with opposing breeze the current was minimal. Racing remained tight and we saw a lot of nice passbacks at marks and solid balancing on legs. The final race sailed was actually supposed to be the first race of the day but was shuffled back due to a delay. It was a great battle to the finish with ODU managing to hold on. Made for a great finale and tied up their series... JU took the breaker but ODU laughed last... We'll call it even;) Special Thanks to Mitch Brindley who served as ICSA Rep, umpires Jeff Borland, Ryan Davidson, Kathy and Mike Lindgren, PRO Chip Till and helpers Mark and Mary Carol Deguire and Jeff Doyle. Congrats to the Cougars Coed team who defended their 2020 Title.
Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.
Sym. | Explanation |
* | Number of races won when tied teams met (2) |
** | Number of races won when tied teams met (1) |