Prosser Trophy


Saturday, April 6:

The first 3 races were completed in a Northerly before that died and we waited for what became a wonderful Southerly where we completed the next 21. Stayed until late to get in the remaining 4 races in the round to no avail. . .

Sunday, April 7:

After a bit of a postponement, a Southerly filled in and eventually built and swung to the east. Stan "The Man" Hyatt worked tirelessly with the Seahawks to ensure a double rr was completed (and had a whole 3 minutes to spare). Very exciting racing with lots of teams in contention for the last qualifying berth right until the end. Big Congratulations to Georgetown for winning the conference championship title and Navy, HWS and FRD for earning the berths to Team Race Nationals.

A huge thanks to a fabulous group of umpires: Chief Umpire: * Rob Overton * Sam Blouin * Kai Friesecke * Marissa Golison * Sandy Grosvenor * Steve Sparkman * Doc Sullivan * Steve Wrigley

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

1GeorgetownGeorgetown UniversityHoyas12/2Andy Reiter '19Haley Shea '19
Jack Reiter '22Jack Hogan '21
Sean Segerblom '20Rebecca Fung '19
William Logue '20Caroline Teare '21
2NavyU. S. Naval AcademyMidshipmen11/3Parker Loftus '20Sally Johnson '22
Connor Bayless '21Ana Mier '19
Maxwell Brill '20Emma Remis '20
JC Hermus '22Kimmie Leonard '22
3Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith CollegesStatesmen8/6Charles Miller '19Lindsey Kloc '19
Hector Guzman '20Maya Weber '20
Kyle Easton '20Aidan Morgan '21
4FordhamFordham UniversityRams6/8Tucker Hersam '20Annika Ekholm '20
Matt Cappetta '19Jacqueline Tobin '20
Brad Seferian '19Cortney Rielly '20
*5Old DominionOld Dominion UniversityMonarchs5/9Jack Elkin '19Abigail Tutt '21
Dreugh Phillips '21Makalynne Dyer '22
Bridget Groble '22Emily Harrison '21
**6George WashingtonGeorge Washington UniversityColonials5/9Andrew Sheerin '19Zachary Lehan '20
Derek Poon Tip '19Clare Cassidy-Gardner '21
Matt Logue '22Riley Legault '19
Wade Wagner '19Michael Houllahan '20
Mercedes McPhee '19
**6St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of MarylandSeahawks5/9Liam McCarthy '19Kaisey McCallion '19
Leo Boucher '22Ashley Wagner '20
Lewis Cooper '21Lydia McPherson-Shambarger '19
8CornellCornell UniversityBig Red4/10Clark Uhl '19Adeline Sutton '21
Gabby Rizika '20Diana Otis '19
Brooke Shachoy '22Ethan Andersen '20
Kimberly Wong '19
*Number of races won when tied teams met (4)
**Tie stands