Jeff Mixdorf


Sunday, February 3:

Sunday morning started off with light wind and lots of snow, with temperatures in the 20's. A light northerly filled in around 11 and held around 5-8 knots for the rest of the day. One full round robin was completed, sailed in alternating fleets of FJ's and Alphas.

Thanks to all our volunteers who helped out with Race Committee and umpiring, and to the competitors who braved the cold for a fun weekend of sailing in Bellingham.

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

1WashingtonUniversity of WashingtonHuskies5/0Connor Hughes '19Maddie Tutton '21
Hayden Potter '20Farzana Mohamedali '20
Joanna Garcia '19Rachel Cohen '19
Ian Wolcott '20Sarah Kahle '22
Karl Skeel '20Avery Wolf '21
2Western WashingtonWestern Washington UniversityVikings 44/1Dillon Kilroy '19Alanna Halliday '21
Niko Twilla '21Rebecca Sharp '22
Axel Greening '21Fiona McBride '21
Julia Soes '21
3Western WashingtonWestern Washington UniversityVikings 23/2Chandler Sharp '19Emily Tan '20
Kendall Kracke '20Yumi-Shika Shridhar '20
Chloe Dawson '20Camille Ottaway '20
4British ColumbiaUniversity of British ColumbiaUBC Thunderbirds0/5Nicolai Blasdel '22Lauren Wittkopf '22
Zelda Ladefoged '22Louise King '23
5Western WashingtonWestern Washington UniversityVikings 11/4Marijke Jorna '21Jordanne Johnson '21
Carter Dojan '20Madelyn Carr '20
Nikoline Alden '19Fiona McBride '21
Clark Weitkamp '20Hayley Rawden '20
Cece Nielsen '23
6Western WashingtonWestern Washington UniversityVikings 30/5Emily Hammond '20Amber Crabb '20
Tor Gammelin '22Laura Thompson '21
Wyatt Keysor '20Amanda Stathas '19