Temperature was 50F under cloudy skies. Wind from the NE at 5 knots and built to 8-12. Two rounds were completed for seeding. TAMUG and Tulane competed in their best-of-five championship with TAMUG winning 3-1. College Station and UT competed in their best of five and UT won 3-0. Congratulations to TAMUG for winning the SEISA team race championship. Thanks to PRO Megan Ferguson and umpires Michael Sager, Ryan Murphy, Jake Hafemeister, Haley Walker, and Laura Dalgleish. Special thanks to Megan Ferguson for purchasing ten boxes of pizza on an unseasonably cold day.
Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.
Sym. | Explanation |
* | Number of races won when tied teams met (4) |
** | Number of races won when tied teams met (1) |