Cal Team Race


Saturday, February 11:

The day began with light wind, and gradually built throughout the afternoon. With perfect weather after a week of rain, we were able to complete the first round robin and the first flight of the second round robin before the wind died completely around 3 pm.

Sunday, February 12:

The morning was dead calm, so sailors ate tacos while waiting for the wind to fill in. A strong, consistent westerly eventually arrived around 1 pm, allowing us to complete the second round robin. Special thanks to Paul Heineken, one of our volunteer coaches, for helping us run the event!

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

1Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.Mustang10/0David Cornella '17Haley Weber '18
Ben Brough '19Helen Payne '19
Joseph Lausten '18Belle Lemoine '19
Liam Hood '20Alyson Crowley '20
2BerkeleyUniversity of California at BerkeleyBears8/2Andrew Solomon '18Cameron Juybari '19
Ian Markowitz '17Ekaterina Goncharova '18
Elizabeth Hansen '19Eric Witte '17
David Hopkins '19Megan Grosspietsch '20
3Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime AcademyKeelhaulers6/4Benjamin Rohr '19Logan Allen '19
Julian Martinez-Prado '19Ronan Lundegaard '19
Skylar Bayman '20Kian Patrick '20
4UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los AngelesBruins4/6Nicholas Lenz Lenz '19Laura Roudebush '18
Leah Ford '19Maddy Kuhn '20
Abraham Dearden '20Zoe Hessler '18
Arjun Boddu '18
5UC IrvineUniversity of California at IrvineAnteaters2/8Brian MacLean '18Christian Parizea '18
Samuel Rohrbach '17 *Drake Baldwin '20
Philip Tagatac '17Christoph Steefel '18 *
Erika Barth '20 *Sarah Imai '20 *
6UC DavisUniversity of California at DavisAggies0/10