

Saturday, March 28:

Sailors were greeted with a NNE breeze switching to North at 4-6 knts. We had a Wintry mix all day that eventually turned to snow. The boats became hard to sail, the RC and Umpires pushed through, but needed a break after 25 races at around 3PM. The PRO made the decision not to sail based on the declining conditions. This was not a popular decision with people sitting in vans, but it was the decision that had to made.

Sunday, March 29:

Sunday the Sailors had a 10am report time to let the snow melt from Saturday night. The boats were filled with 2 inches of ice and 2 inches of snow. The Camels help the process by shoveling snow and breaking ice. We left the dock in marginal Sailing conditions due to the cold around 10:40am.The Sailors did a great job keeping their footing in ice coated Fjs. Round 2 was completed and the RC decided to push for a Round 3. The Round was moving along nicely when the Northerly Died and we had 40 -50 degree shifts for about 45 minutes. During that time we pressed on, some races were called back and we managed to string a few puffs together to complete a couple of races. The breeze eventually settled, but we ran out of time to finish round 3. The Breeze eventually died at 3:20. Thanks to Rob Breslin and Peter Edmond for umpiring this weekend and hearing a few Yellow flag protests. Congrats to the Camel RC that managed to run 2 complete umpired rounds of team racing. Good luck to Connecticut College and Bowdoin College for qualifying to move onto the NE TR Championship at Harvard April 11-12.

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

1Connecticut CollegeConnecticut CollegeCamels8/2Jordan Bothwick '15Lea Bushnell '15
Bryce Kopp '16Victoria Allen '16
Hugh MacGillivray '18Kim Bolick '15
2BowdoinBowdoin CollegePolar Bears7/3Jack McGuire '17Charlotte Williamson '15
Michael Croteau '15Mary Paz '17
William Hawk '18Julia Rew '16
*3Boston UniversityBoston UniversityTerriers6/4Brendan Cook '16Lily Lichtenstein '18
Ryan Astwood '16Kayla Lynch '16
Hannah Polster '17Margaret Swanson '16
*3Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode IslandRams6/4Caleb Armstrong '16Jack Hurley '18
Matthew Coughlin '16Kaitlyn Norton '15
Rachel Bryer '17Hannah Scanlon '18
5Salve ReginaSalve Regina UniversitySeahawks2/8John Silvestri '16Baillie Lawless '15
Sean Beaulieu '18Catherine Corssen '15
Charles Welsh '18Angelina Todaro '16
6NortheasternNortheastern UniversityHuskies1/9Scott Goodrich '16Katherine Alfond '19
Sarah De Silva '19Laura Tschiegg '17
Jackson Hamilton '19Emily Arntsen '19
Jacqueline Berlin '19
*Tie stands