The Tom Noble Team Race

All races

Show races for team:

#Team 1RecordRecordTeam 2
Round 1
1NY MaritimeSUNY Maritime College Privateers4-5-6vs1-2-3St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 1St. Mary's
2NavyU. S. Naval Academy Midshipmen3-4-6vs1-2-5St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 2St. Mary's
3George WashingtonGeorge Washington University Colonials3-4-5vs1-2-6Washington College ShoremenWashington College
4NavyU. S. Naval Academy Midshipmen2-3-4vs1-5-6SUNY Maritime College PrivateersNY Maritime
5Washington CollegeWashington College Shoremen3-5-6vs1-2-4St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 1St. Mary's
6St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 22-3-5vs1-4-6George Washington University ColonialsGeorge Washington
7Washington CollegeWashington College Shoremen1-2-6vs3-4-5U. S. Naval Academy MidshipmenNavy
8St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 21-2-6vs3-4-5SUNY Maritime College PrivateersNY Maritime
9George WashingtonGeorge Washington University Colonials4-5-6vs1-2-3St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 1St. Mary's
10St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 22-3-5vs1-4-6Washington College ShoremenWashington College
11St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 12-5-6vs1-3-4U. S. Naval Academy MidshipmenNavy
12NY MaritimeSUNY Maritime College Privateers2-3-6vs1-4-5George Washington University ColonialsGeorge Washington
13St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 11-2-5vs3-4-6St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 2St. Mary's
14NY MaritimeSUNY Maritime College Privateers1-5-6vs2-3-4Washington College ShoremenWashington College
15George WashingtonGeorge Washington University Colonials2-4-6vs1-3-5U. S. Naval Academy MidshipmenNavy
Round 2
16St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 11-2-5vs3-4-6SUNY Maritime College PrivateersNY Maritime
17St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 21-2-5vs3-4-6U. S. Naval Academy MidshipmenNavy
18Washington CollegeWashington College Shoremen1-2-5vs3-4-6George Washington University ColonialsGeorge Washington
19NY MaritimeSUNY Maritime College Privateers1-2-6vs3-4-5U. S. Naval Academy MidshipmenNavy
20St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 11-2-6vs3-4-5Washington College ShoremenWashington College
21George WashingtonGeorge Washington University Colonials3-4-6vs1-2-5St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 2St. Mary's
22NavyU. S. Naval Academy Midshipmen2-5-6vs1-3-4Washington College ShoremenWashington College
23NY MaritimeSUNY Maritime College Privateers1-5-6vs2-3-4St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 2St. Mary's
24St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 11-2-4vs3-5-6George Washington University ColonialsGeorge Washington
25Washington CollegeWashington College Shoremen1-2-5vs3-4-6St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 2St. Mary's
26NavyU. S. Naval Academy Midshipmen3-4-5vs1-2-6St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 1St. Mary's
27George WashingtonGeorge Washington University Colonials2-4-6vs1-3-5SUNY Maritime College PrivateersNY Maritime
28St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 23-4-5vs1-2-6St. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 1St. Mary's
29Washington CollegeWashington College Shoremen1-2-3vs4-5-6SUNY Maritime College PrivateersNY Maritime
30NavyU. S. Naval Academy Midshipmen4-5-6vs1-2-3George Washington University ColonialsGeorge Washington
31St. Mary'sSt. Mary's College of Maryland Seahawks 21-4-6vs2-3-5Washington College ShoremenWashington College