Fowle New England Team Race Champs


Saturday, April 5:

Connecticut College is hosting the NE Team Race Champs. The Breeze was a problem today. The RC started Races in every direction of the compass today, includding 3 races in an EASTERLY!!! Many Thanks to the volunteers that helped Umpire today lead by John Moulthorp! Thanks to RW, Yale, CGA , Brown, for loaning boats and equipment to help the Regatta. The NEs resume on Sunday to Finish a Round Robin of 12 and move onto a Championship round or rounds?

Sunday, April 6:

Sunday started with a North West breeze that went West and eventually faded. A strong South West breeze filled in for the round of six. Congratulations to Roger Williams, Yale, Boston College and Tufts for qualifying for the ICSA Team Rcaing a Nationals at St Mary's College of MD.

Thanks you USCGA, Yale, Brown, mad Roger Willimas for loaning boats and equipment for this event. Many Thanks Yous to John Moulthorp and his crew of Volunteer umpires throughout the weekend.

Camels- Hosting a NE Championship is a lot of work for the host team. Thank you Camels for your 100% effort this weekend!

Tech Support- thank you Tech support staff, running this event is easier with Tech score.

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

*1Roger WilliamsRoger Williams UniversityHawks13/3William Macdonald '15Breanne Baldino '16
Henry Vogel '15Wendy Reuss '15
Connor Corgard '16Abby Preston '15
**2YaleYale UniversityBulldogs13/3Christopher Segerblom '14Charlotte Belling '16
Graham Landy '15Katherine Gaumond '15
Ian Barrows '17Eugenia Custo Greig '14
Meredith Megarry '17
*3Boston CollegeBoston CollegeEagles11/5William Bailey '15Katherine Wysocki '15
Raul Rios '16Shelby Hamilton '14
Erika Reineke '17Elizabeth Barnard '15
**4TuftsTufts UniversityJumbos11/5William Haeger '14Paula Grasberger '14
David Liebenberg '14Kathleen Kwasniak '14
Alejandro Ruiz-Ramon '15Scott Barbano '17
Sam Madden '15
Alexander Tong '17
5DartmouthDartmouth CollegeBig Green8/8Matthew Wefer '14Avery Plough '14
Deirdre Lambert '15Nathaniel Greason '17
Evan Read '16Abigail Rohman '16
6HarvardHarvard UniversityCrimson7/9Michael Drumm '15Isabel Ruane '14
Brian Drumm '15Jacob Bradt '16
Andrew Mollerus '16Sydney Karnovsky '16
Gram Slattery '15
7BrownBrown UniversityBears5/6Pearson Potts '16Lydia Whiteford '15
Lucas Adams '15Louisa Chafee '14
Tyler Rice '14Helen Lord '14
Judge Ryan '14Jessica O'Dell '17
8MITMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyEngineers4/7David Alfonso '14Iris Xu '14
Joseph Paggi '16Christopher Ford '16
Alexander Stewart '17Paige Omura '17
b9Connecticut CollegeConnecticut CollegeCamels3/8Jordan Bothwick '15Victoria Allen '16
Kevin Martland '14Lea Bushnell '15
Bryce Kopp '16Grace Medley '15
IG Schottlaender '14Kim Bolick '15
**10Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard AcademyBears3/8Nikole Barnes '17Cyrus Unvala '14
Avery Fanning '16Michael Caballero '14
Dylan Finneran '15Robert Turley '16
Jaimie Chicoine '14
11VermontUniversity of VermontCatamounts2/9Nate Jermain '15Lauren Jones '15
Jordan Factor '14Sara Anibal '14
Michael Booker '15Bridget Murphy '15
Michael Zonnenberg '15Travis Bobley '17
12BowdoinBowdoin CollegePolar Bears1/10Peter Edmunds '14Julia Rew '16
Michael Croteau '15Jackson Bloch '15
Jack McGuire '17Charlotte Williamson '15
Tom Peabody '14Mary Paz '17
*Number of races won when tied teams met (2)
**Number of races won when tied teams met (0)
bNumber of races won when tied teams met (1)