Jeremy McIntyre Team Race


Saturday, March 2:

Day 1 of the McIntyre team race brought interesting conditions. We started the day with a light 5 kt SE breeze that held on for most of the morning and ended the day with a NW 21 kt breeze. We had a small delay in the morning but then raced all day getting in the whole first round and 9 races into the second round. There was one protest heard resulting in both teams getting DSQ. A big thank you to Coach Clinton Hayes and his crew of Stanford undergrads for running races. A big thanks to Bryan McDonald and his totally awesome umpire crew for keeping racing fair and moving. More racing on tap tomorrow!

Sunday, March 3:

Day 2 of the McIntyre started identical to day one. Sailors were greeted to glassy conditions. After a postponement of an hour the breeze filled in from the SE and we sailed most a few races in a 5-8kt SSE breeze. As the flood came in to redwood creek the breeze slowly moved towards the W and we finished the round 2 and a final four in a nice 12-15kt Westerly. A big thank you to a hard working RC crew of Stanford undergrads and coach Hayes! Also a big thank you again the the umpire crew of Bryan McDonald, Viki Sodoro, John Christman, Grant Baldwin, Mike Gross, Glenn Oliver and Don Wieneke. The umpire crew was joined with Stanford sailing undergrads.

Congrats to Stanford on the win!

Final Results

Tip: click on team's record to toggle filter.

1StanfordStanford UniversityCardinal20/1Sarah Mace '14Katie Riklin '13
Yuki Yoshiyasu '16Michelle Catania '16
Molly McKinney '14Natalie Urban '15
Max Kohrman '15Noelle Herring '16
Antoine Screve '16Samantha Steele '16
2HawaiiUniversity of HawaiiRainbows15/6Adam Pokras '14Kellie Yamada '16
Giacomo Paoletti '15Ana-Melissa Kea '13
Mitchell Icard '13Lindsay Stewart '13
Madeline Kennedy '14
3WashingtonUniversity of WashingtonHuskies13/8Zachary Forcade '13Caylin Cordray '13
Karl Haelsig '14Sarah Redmond '15
Kris Thompson '16Molly Utter '14
4UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San DiegoTritons11/10John Olson '14Jonathan Schafgans '13
Nicolas Delfino '16Charlie Davidson '13
Matthew Morris '16Caitlin Riley '15
5Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime AcademyKeelhaulers9/9Matthew Van Rensselaer '13Emelia Sween '16
Scott Doyle '14Stephen Katz '16
Chris Vilicich '16Ryan Orphan '16
5UC IrvineUniversity of California at IrvineAnteaters9/9Brian Hoover '12William Larsen '13
Samuel Heller '15Kate Andersen '15
Nicholas Weis '15Finnian Sheehan '16
7NorthwesternNorthwestern UniversityWildcats7/11Ryan Anderson '15Noah Aldonas '13
Michael Cornew '13Laura Rozier '15
Jacob Bruce '16Molly Conroy '13
Travis Cottle '15
8Western WashingtonWestern Washington UniversityVikings6/12Alexander Halliday '16Emily LeValley '16
Alex Waldron '13Rachael McCrady '14
Debbi Kenote '13Gabe Hill '16
9Southern CalUniversity of Southern CaliforniaTrojans5/13Cameron Hutcheson '14Hollis Barth '16
John Coakley '16Nicole Bosetti '15
Kendall Sanson '15Olivia Gebelein '15
10UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los AngelesBruins1/17Emelia Pelliccio '13Carly Olenick '13
Erica Parker '14Allison Skager '15
Gabriel Monti '15Justina Leo '15