Women's Urn Trophy/NEISA Women’s Fall Champs

Scores for Division A

1YaleYale University64Emma Cowles '25
BulldogsJulia Miller '26
2HarvardHarvard University65Cordelia Burn '25
CrimsonMargo Silliman '25
3BrownBrown University69Katharine Doble '26
BearsSavannah Young '251-4,7-14
Francesca Edmands '255-6
4Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University72Lucy Meagher '27
HawksMaren Matthews '26
5Boston CollegeBoston College88Caroline Sibilly '26
EaglesMadeline Torrey '281-10
Kennedy Laureigh '2611-14
6MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology104Brooke Schmelz '25
EngineersElliott Chalcraft '271-2,7-14
Brooke Barry '263-6
7DartmouthDartmouth College118bella casaretto '26
Big GreenFaye Benjamin '25
8TuftsTufts University122Ella Hubbard '26
JumbosKate Castleberry '281
Lilly Ladd '262-10
lilah parker '2611-14
9Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy123Laura Slovensky '25
BearsCharlotte McCarthy '25
10BowdoinBowdoin College134Rebecca Schill '27
Polar BearsHazel Johnson '271-12
Posie Cabaniss '2713-14
11NortheasternNortheastern University136Eva Ermlich '26
HuskiesZoe Grant '25
12Boston UniversityBoston University137Tiare Sierra '251-10
Lucy Paskoff '2411-14
TerriersGrace Murphy '251-10
Delanie Massenet '2711-14
13Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island147Kytalin Hendrickson '26
RamsUrsula Budd '27
14VermontUniversity of Vermont151Audrey Commerford '25
CatamountsLane Kaeyer '27
15Maine MaritimeMaine Maritime Academy182Jane Marvin '28
MarinersJuliana DeMarco '26 *
16Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College189Lilly Saffer '271-4,7-14
Natalie Fear '285-6
CamelsCecilia Roe '261-6
Madeleine Jarbeau '287-14
17MiddleburyMiddlebury College236Helen Coughlin '28 *
PanthersMaggie Hannis '25

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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