Women's Urn Trophy/NEISA Women’s Fall Champs


Saturday, October 26:

One of the best days of racing this fall in NEISA! Beautiful weather, windy conditions, and very shifty. Winds started out from the NW and slowly went to the West throughout the day. Winds ranged from 12-18 knots with a few puffs in the 20's and numerous capsizes throughout the day. 10 races in each division with A-division in FJs and B-division in 420s. Courses were W3, W4, and W5's. A number of requests were filed for breakdowns with two given and one redress given for a finish.

Sunday, October 27:

Day two of the Urn Trophy for the NEISA Women's Fall Championship was another beautiful day, but with much less wind and colder temperatures. Racing started on time at 10:15am for race 11A in a slowly dying Northerly around 5-8 knots and shifty. Races 12A and 11B and 12B were also sailed in the Northerly that just hung in there long enough for the two races in each division. We had a little delay for about an hour after the breeze deteriorated. At around 1pm a nice westerly filled in at 6-10 knots to get in the last races, races 13 and 14 in both divisions. All courses were W3, W4, or W5's and A-division was in 420s and B-division in FJs.

Great thanks to the following: our umpire/judges Richard Feeny, Taylor Eastman, Alex Kitay, and Spencer Dellenbaugh; NEISA Representative Frank Pizzo from Bowdoin; photographer Rob Migliaccio; URI and the Moses Brown School of the use of their powerboats; and to all of the Brown sailors who helped out: Lulu Hamilton '27, Anna Steffen '25, Tucker Gibbs '27, Phoebe Hackett '28, Vera Allen '27, Teddy Meyer '28, and Quinn Brighton '27.

The racing was close and great with awesome sportsmanship by all. Congratulations to Harvard on winning the 2024 Urn Trophy!

Score summary

4Roger WilliamsHawks7289161
5DartmouthBig Green11863181
6Boston CollegeEagles8896184
8Coast GuardBears123127250
*10BowdoinPolar Bears134130264
12Boston UniversityTerriers137165302
13Connecticut CollegeCamels189123312
14Rhode IslandRams147169316
16Maine MaritimeMariners182188370
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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