
Saturday, October 12:

The UCSD Sailing team hosted their annual Frosh-Soph Regatta at Mission Bay Yacht Club, with 12 schools, 46 boats and about 200 sailors in attendance. The regatta started off Saturday with about 10kts of breeze, and racing began around 11:30. The breeze built throughout the morning, allowing for RC to run races consistently. A division and B division competed in 6 and 4 races, respectively. And, of course, the first day of Frosh Soph is never complete without a healthy amount of capsizes. All in all, a great first day of racing.

Sunday, October 13:

Day 2 of Frosh Soph displayed a lot less wind than Day 1: Only about 4-6 kts throughout. However, that did stop racing from getting started at about 11:15 and continuing until the last start at 3:15. Light and shifty conditions resulted in a huge separation of boats within each fleet and races extended to about 20 minutes. The wind died consistently throughout the day. A and B divisions sailed 2 and 4 races respectively. Congratulations to the top scoring teams, who placed in the regatta. Overall, a wonderful weekend of sailing.

Score summary

1Southern CalTrojans 281725
2Cal MaritimeKeelhaulers 2561571
3Southern CalTrojans 1363874
4Cal MaritimeKeelhaulers 1376097
6San Diego StateAztecs 17450124
7UC Santa BarbaraGauchos6594159
8Cal PolyMustangs 17788165
9UC Santa CruzBanana Slugs9472166
10UC IrvineAnteaters 17297169
11Southern CalTrojans 39185176
12Channel IslandsDolphins 153133186
13San Diego StateAztecs 261129190
14UC Los AngelesBruins 115753210
15UC DavisAggies98127225
16Arizona StateSun Devils132118250
17Cal PolyMustangs 2154103257
18UC San DiegoTritons 1121139260
19UC Los AngelesBruins 2132135267
20UC IrvineAnteaters 2141148289
21UC San DiegoTritons 2157139296
22Channel IslandsDolphins 2148149297

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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