Toni Duetsch '58 Trophy 2024

Scores for Division B

1DartmouthDartmouth College88Olivia Drulard '27
Big GreenSudi Zhao '26
2BrownBrown University95Laura Hamilton '27
Bears 1Katherine Majette '271-5
Kaitlyn Hamilton '266-14
3MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology100Brooke Barry '26
Engineers 1Katherine Jankowski '271-12
Christine Keedy Brown '2813-14
4HarvardHarvard University101Kate Danielson '28
CrimsonDaniella Bregman '25
5NortheasternNortheastern University110Lucia Loosbrock '25
HuskiesLucinda Harley '27
6BrownBrown University113Sidney Moyer '27
Bears 2Corinne Harrison '271-5
Janelle Li '256-14
7Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University115Tavia Smith '27
Hawks 1Elyssa Franklin '26
8Boston CollegeBoston College117Sara Schumann '25
EaglesSophia Hacket '25
9YaleYale University129Clara Díaz Suárez '28
BulldogsAriana Borut '27
10MITMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMRP132Emma Wang '271-8
Sophia Woodbury '289-10
Engineers 2Sophia Woodbury '281-6,11-12
Shayne Bersin '257-10,13-14
11TuftsTufts University135Meredith Broadus '25
Jumbos 1Annabel De Alessi '25
12Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy147Ella Demand '28
BearsCelia Houston '25
13Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island155Leah Rickard '26
RamsOlivia Anderson '251-2,7-8,11-14
Ursula Budd '273-6,9-10
14BowdoinBowdoin College157Sophie Brett '251-6
Mairéad Reitzel '287-14
Polar BearsLuisa Louchheim '25
15Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University158Caylin Schnoor '25
Hawks 2Dawson Chambers-Tartaglino '27
16TuftsTufts University162Kiana Beachy '28
Jumbos 2Eloise Goedkoop '27
17VermontUniversity of Vermont181Caitlin Derby '26
Catamountscampbell mcclellan '261-6
Alex Forrest '267-14
18New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire221Sonja Krajewski '26
WildcatsAmelia Fisher '26

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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