Stoney Burke

Scores for Division B

1Southern CalUniversity of Southern California14Hudson Mayfield '27
Trojans 1Ariana Gabier '241-2,5-9
Maximilian Conze '283-4
2HawaiiUniversity of Hawaii29Everett McAvoy '26
RainbowsSophia Shaeffer '25
3Cal MaritimeCalifornia Maritime Academy36Sam Jennings '27
KeelhaulersLogan Chapman '26
4UC Santa BarbaraUniversity of California at Santa Barbara43Michael Fineman '25
GauchosSamuel Long '27
5UC Santa CruzUniversity of California at Santa Cruz53George Soliman '24
Banana SlugsConor Kim '27
6Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.61Jack Kisling '25
Mustangs 1Gabriel Gargiulo '251-2,5-6,9
Kyle Hirth '253-4,7-8
7NorthwesternNorthwestern University67Nicholas Chesemore '27
WildcatsSamantha Forgosh '26
8BerkeleyUniversity of California at Berkeley71Carsten Zieger '28 *
Bears 1John Mayfield '28 *1-6
Annika Baumgartner '28 *7-9
9San Diego StateSan Diego State University74Chris Hopkins '25 *
ViejasEllie Dickson '25
10Southern CalUniversity of Southern California99Lara Granucci '28
Trojans 2Isabella Rangel '25
11Arizona StateArizona State University106Austin Teodorovic '28
Sun Devils 1Patrick Gardiner '26
12Cal PolyCal Poly University S.L.O.107Annika Burns '27
Mustangs 2Simone Karlon '271-2,5-6,9
Catalina Brody '283-4,7-8
13BerkeleyUniversity of California at Berkeley109Victoria Chen '25 *
Bears 2Annika Baumgartner '28 *1-6
Catherine Arcaris '26 *7-9
14UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San Diego113Ian Johnston '25
TritonsNakshatra Bansal '251-6
Stella Potter '267-9
15Texas A&MTexas A&M University120Cole Broberg '25
AggiesMenya Bird '261-2,9
Drew Gourley '273-8
16UC DavisUniversity of California at Davis131Jason Yang '25
AggiesBlossom Jee '25
17UC Los AngelesUniversity of California at Los Angeles152Alexandra Toaxen '27
BruinsPhineas Fritsch '27
18Arizona StateArizona State University154Erin Welker '27
Sun Devils 2Samantha George '27

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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