Sister Esther Trophy


Saturday, October 5:

Today was a great day of racing in Newport. A division sailed Larks with square top mains, B sailed FJs. The race area located west of Goat Island's southern end offered less up-close spectating than the empty mooring field we enjoy in the spring. However, we were able to complete 10 races in both divisions in great college sailing conditions: 6-14 knots from the north with oscillating shifts and minimal chop. Special thanks to Sean Crandall '24 (PRO), Grace Vincens '20 for helping run races.

One protest by Tufts 2 against the RC was heard for failure to display an X flag during race 4A. Redress was granted. The RC will indeed be display the X flag for individual recalls tomorrow.

Tomorrow: We hope to finish the rotation despite a forecasted fading northerly. Assuming we have sailable breeze, we will start the first race on time. Plan accordingly.

A will sail FJs. B will sail Larks with square top mains (white/clear bags). Larks will start first.

The rotation has been adjusted to reflect UConn's absence. As a result, we anticipate more prompt scoring.

Sunday, October 6:

This morning, the sailing instructions were amended to schedule a maximum of 14 races.

Both A and B division completed 4 more races in 4 to 7 kts. Racing concluded around 1200. Thank you to Sean Crandall ‘24 and Alex Bowdler ‘22 for their assistance on the water today.

Two protests were heard for situations at the windward and leeward marks. Both were disallowed.

Congrats to the Yale Bulldogs for walking away with the win!

Score summary

2Roger WilliamsHawks7062132
4Rhode IslandRams9474168
5TuftsJumbos 271102173
6TuftsJumbos 113548183
7Boston UniversityTerriers83135218
8Salve ReginaSeahawks 113686222
12Mass MaritimeBuccaneers173127300
15Salve ReginaSeahawks 2194156350

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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