Richard Ross at Courageous

Scores for Division A

1BrownBrown University13James Brock '28
Bears 2Daniel van Heeckeren '26
2Boston UniversityBoston University15John Cabell '26
Terriers 2Sam Whipple '25
3Boston UniversityBoston University19Elliott Mendenhall '25
Terriers 1Piper Lyons '28
4BrownBrown University24Ali McIntyre '27
Bears 1Anna Steffen '25
Mara Oancea '27
5BrownBrown University31Charles Case '26
Bears 3William Salerno '25
Quinn Brighton '27
6BentleyBentley University33Andrew Blagden '28
Falcons 4Grace Kokkotos '27
7BentleyBentley University34John O'Connell '28
Falcons 1Isabel Walchli '28
8New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire40Lucas Wiatrowski '27
Wildcats 1Morgan Melo '27
9BrownBrown University41Keller Morrison '25
Bears 4Theo Meyer '28
Patience Gifford '27
10BentleyBentley University47Brett Tardie '25
Falcons 2Olivia Colantuonio '28
11BentleyBentley University48Wilfred Hynes '26
Falcons 3Miguel Sanchez Navarro '27
12Wentworth InstituteWentworth Institute of Technology56Jackson Harney '27
Leopards 1Oliver Roy '26
13New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire61Gavin Tucker '26
Wildcats 2Varda Kotlyarsky '28 *
14Wentworth InstituteWentworth Institute of Technology63Jason Dank '26
Leopards 2Benjamin Conte '26
15U. Mass/ AmherstUniversity of Massachusetts at Amherst80

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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