Oberg Trophy

Scores for Division C

1TuftsTufts University24Shea Smith '251
Adrien Bellanger '252-14
Jumbos 1Magdelaina Putnam '251
Lucy Belknap '252-14
2Boston CollegeBoston College33Nick Budington '25
EaglesKylie Craig '28
*3Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy38Peter McGonagle '25
BearsAustin White '27
*4YaleYale University38Alex Adams '26
BulldogsAriana Borut '27
5DartmouthDartmouth College49Charlotte West '28
Big GreenSophie Menyhart '27
6VermontUniversity of Vermont57Ethan Burt '261-8
CatamountsBrooke Willke '241-8
7TulaneTulane University59Lola Kohl '281-6
Ashley Hoguet '267-9
Green WaveEllie Spearman '251-6
Parker Kumler '277-9
8BowdoinBowdoin College72Shea McGrath '271
Cole Amaral '282-8
Polar BearsAidan Michelow '251
Ava Tobias '282-8
9TuftsTufts University75Meredith Broadus '25
Jumbos 2lilah parker '26
10Hobart & WilliamHobart and William Smith Colleges87Simon Hammarlund '28
StatesmenReilly Roedel '27
11NortheasternNortheastern University89Sylvia Burns '26
HuskiesIsabella Welch '25
12BrownBrown University91Grace Ivancich '28
BearsReese Corckran '281
Gabby Collins '282-14
13Boston UniversityBoston University93Richard Kalich '26
TerriersJoy Kim '25
14MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology99Ryan Hoffman '281
Shayne Bersin '252-14
EngineersKatelyn Battacharia '281
Natalie Hatzigeorgiou '282-14
15Kings PointU. S. Merchant Marine Academy100Calvin Marsh '28
MarinersErik Lunn '28
16HarvardHarvard University104Theresa Straw '28
CrimsonJulia Downey '27
17Maine MaritimeMaine Maritime Academy123Isaac Thompson '27 *
MarinersGregg O’Rourke '28 *1-2
Taber Allen '273-14
18Mass MaritimeMassachusetts Maritime Academy131Kevin McNeill '281-8
BuccaneersLuke DuBois '261-8
*Number of high-place (3) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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