KP Open Invite


Saturday, September 7:

Competitors in the season-opening KP Women's/Open/Laser North Regatta were greeted with a weak southerly that had just enough potential to merit starting things up. Race Committee and the sailors quickly got on a roll and started ripping off races as the wind oscillated and gradually escalated. 6 races in each fleet were completed before 1400, at which point general recalls became frequent thanks to some changes in tidal currents and sailors' risk tolerances. 3 more races were completed in breeze that escalated to ~17 knot with stronger gusts that sent a few boats over. Race 10 ended up being abandoned thanks to rapidly approaching storms.

3 hearings were held (2 in Laser fleet, 1 in Women's fleet) with all resulting in redress or breakdown compensation granted.

Sunday, September 8:

Day two opened with strong breeze around 13 knots out of the northwest that funneled through Eastchester Bay and sent some big chop down the course which at times made things quite tricky for both Race Committee and competitors (particularly in the lulls for the latter). After a 15 minute postponement spent getting the signal boat to set in an orientation that offered a clear view of the pin, RC got things rolling. First race of the day for both Laser and Open fleets were quickly completed but the Women's fleet ended up waiting a moment while RC set a record four anchors at once to attempt to get the signal boat to behave in the strong flooding current. Eventually the girls got a start in and things flowed from there. All fleets ended up with the target 14 total races.

One hearing was held with breakdown points awarded to Queens University.

Congrats to Dan Escudero from Webb Institute, who put on an absolute clinic in the Laser fleet, winning every race except for one on the first day. The Laser fleet in general was incredibly competitive, with the last berth in the Van Duyne trophy coming down to an analysis of breakdown compensation decimal rounding rules.

Congratulations to Cornell, who filled up the podium in the Women's regatta and did so more than 50 points ahead of 4th place Penn. It was impressive to see the Big Red girls go 1-2-3-4-5 in the last race.

Kudos to Hobart as well, who earned first place in an Open Fleet that was a bit more spread out aside from a close battle for 4th place between Webb and Cornell.

Thanks to the KP team members that ran the regatta, the KP staff that kept things moving behind the scenes, and to all the coaches that ran hearings this weekend!

Score summary

1Hobart & WilliamStatesmen6640106
4Webb InstituteClippers93119212
5CornellBig Red100114214
6NY MaritimePrivateers146154300
7Kings PointMariners210187397

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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