Great Lakes IOR - J105 Division

Scores for Division A

1WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin15Seamus Hendrickson '25
BadgersRyan Tatelbaum '25
Phineas Tait '25
Marley Barrett '27
Calvin Lutton '26
2NavyU. S. Naval Academy16Colin Caraher '26
MidshipmenSawyer Barnard '26
Sammy Mentel '26
Isabelle Navolio '25
Olivia Schuchard '26
Joshua Fisher '26
3ChicagoUniversity of Chicago19Max Zhalilo '26
MaroonsAnn Ryan '26
Yili Wen '27
Kush Banker '26
Alex Strassberg Alonso '28
Lucas Ribeiro '27
Daniel Arad '25
4Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island20Cooper Newton '26
RamsAdam Strobridge '26
Emma Schnippering '27
Miles Silverman '27
Cameron Silvers '27
Sam Ingalls '24
Brigette Alves '25
5BrownBrown University22Daniel van Heeckeren '26
BearsTucker Gibbs '27
William Salerno '25
Charles Case '26
Patience Gifford '27
Keller Morrison '25
6CharlestonCollege of Charleston37Truman Rogers '27
CougarsJohn Polek '26
Gweneth Nechas '28 *
John McCarthy '25
Phoenix Bliss '28
Maxwell McCormick '28
7UC San DiegoUniversity of California at San Diego39Brendan O'Connor '27
TritonsAlexis Gregorie '25
Alex Bussey '25
Ian Johnston '25
Audra Spokas-jaros '25
Amanda Collins '27
Jacob Horn '25
Cheyenne Ozaeta '27
8MichiganUniversity of Michigan48River Servia '27
WolverinesPiper Fraker '27
Alexander Reynolds '28
Gordon Fream '25
Rachel Ward '27
Andrew Beute '27

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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