Coast Guard Invite

Scores for Division A

1BrownBrown University46Tyler Lamm '28
Bears 2Phoebe Hackett '28
2TuftsTufts University53Jack Flores '25
Jumbos 2Nicole Morikawa '25
3Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy54David Vinogradov '28
Bears 1Tomas Riccio '28
4Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island63Owen Grainger '28
Rams 2Spencer Asofsky '25
5BrownBrown University67Emery Diemar '28
Bears 3Sasha Gordon '28
*6TuftsTufts University70Clark Morris '26
Jumbos 4Cody Lamoreux '27
*7Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy70Ella Demand '28
Bears 4Gabriella Fields '28
8Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island72Christopher Chwalk '28
Rams 1Vanessa Reid '26
9TuftsTufts University74Adrien Bellanger '25
Jumbos 1Margaret Klein '26
10TuftsTufts University75Oliver Keeves '28
Jumbos 3Reddin Kehrli '27
11Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island80Cameron Silvers '27
Rams 3Emily Grevell '27
12BrownBrown University81Savannah Young '25
Bears 1Marin Soderberg '28
13Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island87Ariana Schwartz '27
Rams 4Ella Gibson '27
14Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy88Caroline Odell '271-5
Peter McGonagle '256-10
Bears 5Julian Henderson '271-5
Austin White '276-10
15Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy89Joey Richardson '28
Bears 2Sam Puleio '28
16Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy102Meara Conley '28
Bears 3Olivia Spada '28
17Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College113Tatem Gee '27
Camels 2
18Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College116
Camels 1
19BrownBrown University120Gabby Collins '28
Bears 4Reese Corckran '28
*Number of high-place (2) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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