Bears Invite

Scores for Division A

1Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University50Jed Lory '27
Hawks 2Ethan Snyder '25
2BrownBrown University52Kaitlyn Hamilton '26
Bears 1Marin Soderberg '28
3Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University57Jack Roman '26
Hawks 4Carter Sheehan '27
4Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy58Luke Zylinski '26
Bears 2Grace Austin '27
5BrownBrown University60Grace Ivancich '28
Bears 4Violet Martin '28
*6BrownBrown University61Tyler Lamm '28
Bears 2Reese Corckran '28
*7Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island61Max Sigel '26
Rams 2Jane Lally '25
8Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy70Peter McGonagle '25
Bears 1Austin White '27
9Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University74Jack Crager '27
Hawks 1Dominique Spinola '26
10Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University79Peter Cotoia '26
Hawks 5Reid Nelson '27
11BrownBrown University80Julian Dahiya '28
Bears 3Sasha Gordon '28
12Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island82Christopher Chwalk '28
Rams 1Emily Grevell '27
13Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island87Owen Grainger '28
Rams 4Miles Silverman '27
14BrownBrown University92Gabby Collins '28
Bears 5Phoebe Hackett '28
15Roger WilliamsRoger Williams University93Jakub Fuja '27
Hawks 3Demetry Spinola '26
16Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy96Caroline Odell '27
Bears 4Olivia Spada '28
17Rhode IslandUniversity of Rhode Island100Adam Strobridge '26
Rams 3Ella Gibson '27
18Coast GuardU. S. Coast Guard Academy106Benjamin Reeser '28
Bears 3Gabriella Fields '28
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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