MAISA Match Race Championship


Saturday, October 22:

Thanks to the USMMA-Kings Point midshipmen, the PRO Sharon Bernd and Mark boat operator Larry Kennedy for outstanding work in getting 6 flights completed in Northwesterly breezes of 18-22 knots with a few gusts to 25 knots! Special thanks to KP Dinghy Coach Mike Collins for all the breakdown work! The first flight was sailed with spinnakers, but after that, the Zulu flag was up for the rest of the day, indicating no spinnakers were to be flown. The teams all handled the strong winds and big KP waves without much trouble.

At the end of the day, Kings Point and Fordham look strong, each with 4 wins and one loss, but the other teams all have sailed less races at this point. Racing continues tomorrow with a similar forecast (but sunny) as we look to complete 3 more full flights and one mini-flight before the top four teams advance to the semi-finals and then the finals. - Rick Dominique

Sunday, October 23:

The round-robin was completed with much effort in the continued windy conditions of 20-26 knots, and the wind finally subsiding to 14-16 knots for the semifinals which allowed spinnakers to be used for the only time since the first flight on Saturday. Hobart/William Smith defeated Fordham 2-0, and Georgetown defeated Kings Point 2-0. No final series could be completed before sunset. There were numerous small breakdowns, but KP is very happy to still have 6 boats with 6 masts! Congratulations and best of luck to Hobart/William-Smith and Georgetown for qualifying for the National Championship. The event employed the tie-breaking procedure to decide 1st and 2nd, as well as 3rd and 4th as follows; Hobart/William Smith defeated Georgetown in the round-robin, claiming first (Georgetown second), and Kings Point defeated Fordham in the round-robin to claim third (Fordham fourth). Coach Michael Collins and the USMMA midshipmen worked their tails off, so thank you to them for giving up much of their study time for their final exams tomorrow! Also special thanks to PRO Sharon Bernd, mark-set guru Larry Kennedy and the umpire team of Eric Johnson, Anne Mooney, Wiz Mooney, Matt Kelly, Jim Walsh and Priscilla Gettis who stayed WELL beyond what they expected to complete this event that will be remembered for a long time. - Rick Dominique

Score summary

1Hobart & William SmStatesmen11
3Kings PointMariners33
6NY MaritimePrivateers66
7George WashingtonColonials77
8Webb InstituteClippers88