BU Bridge Invitational, Central Ser

Scores for Division A

1Boston CollegeBoston College39Ryan Mullins '13
EaglesKelly Roy '13
2TuftsTufts University47James Altreuter '11
JumbosElizabeth Lynch '12
3Boston UniversityBoston University77Trevor Burd '12
Terriers 1Alejandra Higgins '13
4BowdoinBowdoin College78Phoebe Sprague '11
Polar BearsIsabel Low '13
5Connecticut CollegeConnecticut College91Max Rollins '12
CamelsLindsey Press '141
6VermontUniversity of Vermont94Hunter Mumma '12
CatamountsCourtney Crowley '12
7BowdoinBowdoin College108Tom Peabody '14
PinesAyaka Okawa '14
8AmherstAmherst College113Tyler Black '11
Lord JeffsEmilija Schreck '13
9HarvardHarvard University123Nick Waldo '13
CrimsonJinyan Zang '13
10Boston UniversityBoston University126Ian Paice '131-8
Conor Fowler '149-14
Terriers!Andrea Struve '141-8
Phoebe Gittelson '149-14
11BatesBates College128David Pierce '12
BobcatsHelen Chyz '14
12Boston UniversityBoston University141Erica Lush '14
Terriers 2Caitlin Goodrich '14
13New HampshireUniversity of New Hampshire159Neal Drake '121-8
WildcatsRebecca Rothman '131-8
14Maine MaritimeMaine Maritime Academy176Max Fleischfresser '14
MarinersTaylor Batton '14
15NortheasternNortheastern University204Matthew Wood '141-8
David Hill '159-14
HuskiesAlexander Plum '121-8
Natalie Brady '139-14
1Villanova sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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